WCCC Exciting News:-
New WCCC Archbishop In North America
The Most Reverend Bruce TaylorPicture TBN.
New WCCC Bishop
The Right Reverend Joel Samuel
Presiding Bishop of Northern Nigeria
Picture TBN
WCCC Presiding Bishop for Florida USA
Dr Audrey Drummonds
Seen here at her inauguration being installed as WCCC Presiding Bishop of Florida USA.
Bishop Dr Audrey Drummonds has an International Ministry called Interior Coverings and has written several books which are avaialable on the normal booksellers lists.
EVANGELISM: The WCCC are currently reaching some 100+ Countries now with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
See and hear our own Archbishop teaching and preaching regularly most weeks on YOU TUBE - just go to'Lifesinger4' Channel and subscibe free now - for regular FREE updates.
Also you may contact him on Facebook under Bishop George Booty.
If in difficulty then simply type in the words 'Bishop George Booty' and once you are on the Bishop's Channel, then please press subscribe to be sent regular updates - its free!
LOOK Saints! If you want to see us reach more people on one of the God Channels on TV then please Partner with us and help us send these Video messages out live to the World.
Please Go to our 'Donations' page to contribute online to the work of God. Remember the Gospel is FREE but spreading it on this level costs money. Bless God..
Also... Why not start you own Bible School, in your Church, or organisation, backed by our Seminary: -
The University College Centre for Convergence in Buckinghamshire.
Convergence Theological Seminary and Pastoral College of the Bible
VOCATIONS - see us on Facebook.. Convergence Theological Seminary..
Go to the new web site for more info
Email address: office@convergencetheologicalseminary.eu
Go to YOU TUBE and type in 'George Booty Ministries International' Channel for the latest Preaching Videos by:-
Presiding Archbishop Dr George A. Booty, OSG, OPFF.
Or if unable to find channel simply type in George Booty Ministries on You Tube and subscribe for FREE and get regular updates. Share the videos please.
Looking through The Eyes of Love...
LOOK - Click Here Below - Watch the latest Videos series on here from YouTube now
CLICK Below to Watch our new YOU TUBE Video about Leadership
The World Communion of Christian Celtic Convergence Churches present....
Two Communions Inter-Communion Bonn Agreement
New Inter-Communion Agreement with the
Anglican Episcopal Church International (AECI)
Inter_Communion agreement:-The Two Tribes Apostolic Church
Primate: Most Reverend, Apostle Dr Trevor Greene, - pics to follow
International Prayer Group - UK based
Pictures shortly...
Pastor Bryn Fundira - Deacon Elect - Para-Church Organisation
Agape Community International Netherlands
Pictures shortly...
Pastor Roy Boyland - Deacon Elect - Missionary Station
Universal Presbyterian Church UK (WCCC).
Rector: Reverend Father Precious Owusu-Boateng
MK Community Church of Performing Arts (WCCC) Also known as the ANCC.
Community Servant - Reverend Father Joseph Benneh.
***************************************************************************************************New Anglican Church in Barcelona, Spain
Rector: Reverend Fr Ignacio - new picture coming shortly.
Incorporating Agape Community International - Barcelona (WCCC)
Episcopal Church of St Georges (WCCC).
Angel Ministries (WCCC).
New Metropolitan Archbishop of Nigeria, Africa (WCCC).
Installed as Metropolitan recently at Port Harcourt with thriving Cell Churches in Abeyelsa state.
ACORN HOUSE Central Milton Keynes. Bucks. England. UK. MK9 3HP.
If any problems type in and simply search for Bishop George Booty.
Episcopal Church of St Georges (WCCC).
Curate: Reverend Deaconess Elaine Maries.
Angel Ministries (WCCC).
Sister of Mercy - Reverend Deaconess Greta Burr
Milton Keynes. Midlands, England, UK.
*****************************************************************************************New Metropolitan Archbishop of Nigeria, Africa (WCCC).
Installed as Metropolitan recently at Port Harcourt with thriving Cell Churches in Abeyelsa state.
His Grace, The Most Reverend Dr ++Prosper Ayawei
Celtic Convergence Church (WCCC).
A Convergence Ministry - Traditional English Training Church -UK.
Come along and worship every Sunday 9.45am Prayer and WorshipACORN HOUSE Central Milton Keynes. Bucks. England. UK. MK9 3HP.
Go to YOU TUBE Videos and type in Lifesinger4 Channel for regular teaching updates and subscribe FREE!
If any problems type in and simply search for Bishop George Booty.